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Database CDC: Increasing data availability with a streaming-first cloud data lake architecture

Siloed data stores hinder time-to-production for analytics and data science initiatives. Learn how forward-thinking organizations make MySQL data available for diverse analytics use cases using a cloud data lake architecture on AWS S3 or Azure DLS.

Included in this free info pack:

– 7 Minute MySQL CDC demo: Watch how we build an end-to-end CDC pipeline from MySQL to Amazon S3 and to Amazon Athena in this quick video.

Comparing database replication approaches: delta by comparison, timestamp-based CDC and transaction log-based CDC – a guide by Dima Etkin, Upsolver solution architect

CDC and database replication for cloud data lakes – hands-on recorded webinar with the Upsolver product team

Under the hood blog: Solving the upserts challenge in cloud object storage – reference architecture for real-time database replication


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What’s in it for you?

Upsolver’s technology and expertise powers cloud data lakes and CDC pipelines for the world’s most data-intensive companies. This info pack provides invaluable information on how to develop a CDC solution for your MySQL database.

By registering for our resource center you get FREE, unlimited access to all the material published by the experts at Upsolver, and everything we’ll ever publish in the future.

Whether you’re already replicating MySQL into your data lake, evaluating or just looking to increase your professional knowledge – this Education Pack is for you.

Powering data lakes for data-intensive companies


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