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Data Lake ETL for IoT Data: From Streams to Analytics

For most enterprises, IoT projects have yet to cross the proof-of-concept stage and are yet to show clear return on investment.   Challenges and costs usually cause projects to derail for months or years before any actual data science can be done.  In this whitepaper, we’ll look at some of the data integration challenges and opportunities around IoT data, and suggest a solution for simplifying data lake ETL for IoT streams.


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What will you learn from this whitepaper?

  • Understand the unique characteristics of IoT data.
  • Dive into the specific challenges of ETL in IoT.
  • Easily build an enterprise data platform for IoT analytics using open-source frameworks .
  • And more!
5 Signs You've Outgrown Your Data Warehouse

Powering data lakes for data-intensive companies


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