Upsolver joins Qlik to deliver real-time data, Iceberg optimizations and cost savings under a single platform


Turn Amazon Redshift Serverless into a Real-Time Data Warehouse

Learn how Amazon Redshift Serverless and Upsolver work together to provide a low-code solution for scaling analytics for big and streaming data.  All without having to manage data warehouse infrastructure. 

See how Upsolver and Redshift Serverless help you onboard new analytics and machine learning use cases faster.  Your data teams don’t worry about data pipelines, orchestration tools, and schema changes; instead, they focus exclusively on delivering analytical insights.

Roy Hasson

Head of Product, Upsolver

Manan Goel

Product Go-To-Market Leader, AWS

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This webinar will show you how to:

  • In minutes, build pipelines that ingest, transform and load big and streaming data into Redshift Serverless. See how Upsolver automatically detects schema, efficiently updates and deletes rows, and enables time travel for reprocessing data
  • Transform your data using only SQL, without the time-consuming overhead of manual orchestration, file system management, or state management
  • Use the new Amazon Redshift Serverless for high-performance queries on at-scale prepared data without having to configure or manage data warehouse infrastructure
    Save your seat for this can’t-miss webinar, diving into Upsolver and the new Amazon Redshift Serverless.


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