Upsolver joins Qlik to deliver real-time data, Iceberg optimizations and cost savings under a single platform

Recorded Webinar

Data Lake to Snowflake Migration
A Hands-On Walkthrough

85% of self-managed data lakes fail in their first year. In this recorded webinar, we explore reasons and technical approaches for migrating your self-managed data lake to Snowflake.

In the first part of the webinar we:

  • Explore the challenges faced when building and managing your own data lake
  • Discuss why migrating from self-managed data lake to a data warehouse is the right choice for you
  • Review best practices and common pitfalls to be cautious of during this migration


In the second part of the webinar:

You will learn how to migrate raw files, partitioned and unpartitioned Amazon S3-based data lake to Snowflake using Upsolver.

Highlights include:

  • Using a few lines of SQL, integrate with your Amazon S3 bucket and configure folders to migrate
  • Monitor data movement tasks and observe the quality and health of data being ingested to Snowflake
  • Inspect schema evolution and monitor schema changes over time
  • Explore and query your Snowflake-managed data lake in minutes



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