Upsolver joins Qlik to deliver real-time data, Iceberg optimizations and cost savings under a single platform

30 Minute Upsolver Open Demo

  • February 2, 11 AM PT | 2 PM ET


Is hand-crafting data pipelines using Spark and Airflow taking too much of your time? You’re not alone. Orchestration, compaction, table optimization, UPSERTs, scaling – is tedious, manual work.  

Self-orchestrating pipelines built in Upsolver SQLake are the answer. You simply specify connections, tables and transformation jobs in SQL; Upsolver automates the rest.

Join our open demo where our technical experts will show you how to:

  • Ingest streaming and batch data at high speed.
  • Understand and model your source data using Upsolver’s schema detection and automated data profiling.
  • Use SQL to specify connections, tables and transformations, including stateful joins, aggregations, window operations – over 200 functions in all.
  • Continuously output live data to query engines, your data warehouse, or other analytics targets.
  • Monitor and manage your running pipelines.


Join us to see Upsolver in action. See you there!

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