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We’re on a mission to help unlock the wealth of information encapsulated in data continuously generated by the production environment of every modern business.
We built cloud-native (read infinitely-scalable) technology for ingesting change data from operational databases and streaming data from message busses in prod. Next, we added proactive quality validation and in-motion data observability. By addressing data quality issues as data arrives, Upsolver reduces time and complexity to delivering trustworthy analytics and other mission-critical data applications, without sacrificing data freshness.
peak throughput
Upsolver is a closely-knit group of data and infrastructure engineers who want to remove the engineering intensive bottleneck for data ingestion in today’s data stack. We built the first version of Upsolver for our own use, and quickly realized the value it would bring to others in today’s data-centric world. While every company has software that helps power the business deployed in production, many either don’t have access to the data these systems generate or are forced to write complex scripts gluing together multiple tools to achieve the simple purpose of ingesting the valuable data into the warehouse or lake. Our thesis was right—today, we claim as our customers companies large and small, spanning industries as diverse as oil & gas to gaming, feeding both operational analytics and customer-facing data products.
Realizing the potential of prod data
Fundamentally, Upsolver widens the aperture of data use cases by unlocking differentiated prod data that heretofore has been difficult to deliver. Ingested live, system logs, clickstreams, IoT sensor feeds, and other continuous data sources can be blended with curated historical and third-party data to create a holistic representation of the business which can power mission-critical data applications, including prod analytics, with unmatched data freshness.
Delivering on the promise of simplicity for developers
Upsolver’s goal is to recreate the simplicity of a database—which was initially built to abstract away the complexity of coding over raw file systems—on top of the tremendous economic and “power at scale” advantages of the cloud. We let users write SQL as the lingua franca for designing pipelines and data transformations, while we automate the high-effort, low-value plumbing. We also allow developers to choose their level of coding, by providing various different development paradigms and integrations within Upsolver. In short, we’re proud to be a developer-first tool.
Upsolver’s innovative at-scale data movement engine is valued by partners, investors and users across the data and technology ecosystems
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